Capt. Mike Wienhofer
If you were to draw an analogy about captains some would be a good story (think The Odyssey, or Old Man & The Sea), others would be a comedy or redneck reality show, others perhaps a bad horror flick! And then there is the exception— a text who’s essence is pure knowledge — the encyclopedia! A captain full of facts and data, and presented in a easy to understand unassuming fashion. The encyclopedic fishing guide knows his S#!t, isn’t boastful, and is always ready to impart knowledge. Captain Mike Weinhofer is the encyclopedic guide! There are few things that he doesn’t have at least a working knowledge about. If there is a new fact, detail, or concept that he doesn’t know yet, it’s absorbed and catalogued for future use. From the helm of his 40’ SeaHunter light tackle boat, Mike guides his clients on a vast ocean of knowledge that spans from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic straights — up the Eastern seaboard, to the waters off New Jersey where he grew up. Fishing with his father on the famous Jack Tar as a kid, Mike began to lay the foundation for his understanding of the fish and techniques used to be a successful tournament captain. Today, Mike enjoys the confidence that only comes with 20 plus years guiding in the Florida Keys as he fishes and organizes many of the famous tournaments in the Florida Keys. Mike, and the guides of Compass Rose Charters, are our go-to captains for Light Tackle and Bay boat fishing trips. If you’re ready to do some serous action-packed sports fishing or want to take the family out and put a bend in the rod and bring home dinner, there’s no more talented, knowledgeable and hard working captain in the Florida Keys than Mike. Just be careful, he likes to play tricks!!! fair warning!